Indiana Farm Bureau, Indiana’s largest general farm organization, was founded in 1919. Then known as the Indiana Federation of Farmers’ Associations, the organization was formed by farmers who were determined to work together to solve the problems of low commodity prices and a diminished farm labor force. Today, Indiana Farm Bureau's purpose is “to be an effective advocate for farmers, and through its policies and programs, promote agriculture and improve the economic and social welfare of member families.”
The basic unit of Indiana Farm Bureau is the county Farm Bureau organization, which exists in each of the state’s 92 counties. Each county Farm Bureau has an elected board of directors and officers to conduct the organization’s business.
At the state level, Indiana Farm Bureau is divided into 10 geographic regions, or districts, each containing from eight to twelve county Farm Bureaus. Members from each district elect a district director, who serves on the IFB board of directors.
The state board of directors is composed of the 10 elected district directors and three elected officers: a president, vice president and second vice president. The current INFB officers are: President Randy Kron, Vice President Kendell Culp, and 2nd Vice President Janis Highley.
The hallmark characteristic of the entire Farm Bureau organization, from the county Farm Bureau to the American Farm Bureau Federation, is its member-driven, grassroots governing structure. Indiana Farm Bureau membership is open to anyone having a
direct or indirect interest in agriculture and who pays the annual dues (now set at $36.00).